Monday, September 20, 2010

Hope for every fallen man

In this blog I will discuss and post the music I love. Music is more than just catchy tunes, it's lyrics with meaning, words from the heart and often personal experiences. I will not only discuss the music, but the lyrics and the topic of the songs. I hope you will enjoy it.

Todays song is inspired from an experience in my own life. It's by Relient K and is called "Hope for every fallen man". You can find it on spotify eller på Youtube.

Relient K - Hope for every fallen man

Just a few days ago I was dumped by my girlfriend. This is an experience most of our young hearts have experienced. It can be a time of a large range of emotions. Often these emotions are powered by the hurt.

Hate is one of them, how could she do this, why would she want to hurt me when she said she loved me? Another feeling is the feeling of loss, which often is strong. You got dumped, you still love her and there is nothing else you would love more than for her to change her mind. But will it happen? Unsecurity is another feeling, did this happen because of me? I'm I not good enough? Did I do something wrong? How will I get trough this?

What about her? Do you think it was easy for her to dump you? She might actually have loved you, she might actually have been sincere about her efforts in trying out this relationship, she might actually have done her best in trying to adapt to you. But it just didn't feel right. Are you justified to hate her for that?

What is the correct way of feeling after a break-up? Most of these empotions is often something you have to go though, it's a part of the healing process. And I have often felt a large range of all of these emotion. But this time it was different. I didn't feel anything else than loss. I didn't blame her, I didn't blame myself. I just couldn't stand the though of loosing her. That she wouldn't be the one for me, that she wouldn't be in my life. I genuinly felt sad because of the loss.

This song talks about this range of emotions that you could feel in this healing process. But the message is that there is hope for every fallen man. Remeber. There are millions of other girls/guys around your age that might be as good or better than the one that just dumped you, and you better believe it even though it feels hard right now.

- VforVegard

1 comment:

  1. Så fin blogg vegard! Trist å lese at det ble slutt med deg og kjæresten. Men jeg vet at det finnes ei der ute som venter på deg!! Du er et kjempe godt eksempel for meg og jeg setter stor pris på deg! Gleder meg til å følge med på bloggen. Jeg legger deg til på vennelista mi om det er ok. Stikk gjerne innom min(vår) blogg også.
