Monday, September 27, 2010

Am I a DINOSAUR or can I still get married?

Yesterday I was at an activity in my church and in my church it is common to get married at an early age, and if you are not married by 25 people think that you are dead meat. I don't know if you have heard Ke$sa with dinosaur, but that's what she ment that I was. I'm 26. But I kinda feel that this is an important issue to adress. When do you think that a person should get married? What is an appropriate age to get married?

Ke$sa - Dinosaur

I found this statistics on the internet "AGE AT MARRIAGE. Latter-day Saints also tend to marry early. Forty-five percent of LDS women and 23 percent of LDS men have married by age nineteen. By age twenty-one 74 percent of LDS women and 49 percent of LDS men have married. This is considerably higher than for any other religious group." (

Is this good or bad? I don't really know. 18 percent has been divorced according to the same survey. Which is not a high number. So I guess most are happily married.

But is 19, 21 or 37 the right age for getting married? I think it doesn't depend on age at all. It depends on the person you are and the person you are looking for. I have in my life identified some steps that I have felt that I needed to go through in order to get to the point where I actually feel ready to get married.

1. Find myself
2. Know what I want in another person
3. Know what I want with my life
4. Maturity
5. Timing

To be able to have a stable relationship you need to know yourself and be comfertable with who you are. You need to know what goals you have in life. What kind of situations you want to find yourself in, in a few years from now.

In order to find the right person you need to know who is compatible with you, what are you looking for in a person? Who has a personality that matches and complements your own. Don't think of it as a business proposal with skills you need to match. But your personality.

What are my goals in life, and will this person help me closer or farther away from these goals.If my goal is to have a successful career, then you need a wife that supports you in that and that feels that this is important. If you want kids, then you need a wife that wants kids. It's actually rather simple.

You need to be mature. Am I ready for this step? Am I responsible? Am I self-sufficient? Can I make it on my own? Am I ready to take care of kids? Can i support a family? There are many more questions that needs to be anwered also.

The last part is the magic. Once you have figured all of the above out. You just have to find the right girl, in the right place, at the right time. Sounds easy doesn't it? And you need to love her in this time and place and she needs to love you.

This are all of the questions that goes through my head when I think of this question. But is all of this really required? Do we have to worry so much? Love has an amazing power. We change for people we love, we adapt for people we love and we help the people we love. So I say. Don't be so worried. If you love them, then things will work out. But these other concerns does make it easier.

Either you feel ready at 19 or at 37? Why worry? The most important thing is to find someone that loves you for you and a person that you love for who this person is either it's at a young age or be you older. Don't settle for less.

So maybe this song by Ke$sa would be more approprite for this blogpost.

Ke$sa - Your love is my drug

- VforVegard

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