Have you ever thought about the fact that you can choose the way you look at a situation yourself. You actually have a choice. You can either paint it all black or you can see the light in all of the blackness.
I had this thought the other day listening to two different songs from the same band, The red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
First song is Red jumpsuit apparatus - "Misery loves its company"
And the other one is called "Believe" - Red jumpsuit apparatus
The first song has text in it like "we are destined to fail", "save this hate i can't release", "when I dream I see dawn turn into dusk" and maybe the most interesting text is the title "Misery loves its company". Have you noticed that when you are filled with this misery that everything else turns miserable?
I've noticed that when I'm down nothing is fun anymore, last week I didn't even watch Manchester United vs. Liverpool, one of the greates games in football, and for people that know we really well knows that thats not something I would usually do. But the mood that you have decided to have, impacts what you want to do, what you do. So basically your ambitions and desires. I've also noticed that going to school is so much harder, that doing what I'm supposed to in my callings in church is hard to do. You just loose yourself.
But what if you see the light instead? If you believe that there is more good than bad like it says in the song? Hope, faith, patience and love are strong words and feelings. They encourage good. Things will still get rough, sad, hard and it will hurt. But do you think you would get better faster? Misery loves its company and it will just pile up a big black wall. But if you believe in a brighter future the light will eventually clear out the blackness and shine as bright as the sun. And your life will be up and running again.
I know it sounds like a clishee, and it is. But it works. The hard part of every good advice is to apply it in your life. It always sounds so simple, but it is truly hard to make it a part of your life. Be positive and believe that you will overcome. Choose your own attitude, and remember that misery loves its company.
- VforVegard
Awesome. Thank you for reminding me what I still believes in. I too believe that as we strive to make the hours,days, our lives more positive, everything else will look brighter. The do part is very easy that it is kinda funny, but maybe that is why we overlook it. One great man said once, try to laugh to every situation, be it sad, frustrating, angry or whatever, because life then will be easier to carry through.