Thursday, September 30, 2010

If you believe me, you are gonna have to disbelieve yourself

Have you ever met a guy or a girl with a low self-esteem, and no matter what you tell them nothing can make then change their mind about themselves. This has frustrated me from time to time. I care for these people and it hurts me to see them hurt themselves and I want to help. This song from Relient K really makes my point clear.

Relient K - If you believe me

The chorus in this song goes "if you believe me, you are gonna have to disbelieve yourself". And thats what I feel when I meet these people. Don't believe what you are telling yourself or what you mind is telling you. Disbelive that. And believe me when I say that you are AMAZING!

I think this could be a large part of helping yourself. Don't beat yourself up over failures, don't think that you have to be different, you don't have to be someone else, you don't have to do what everyone else is telling you. You are you and you are great. And there is noone like you. Disbelive all that you think that others need you to be and be comfortable with yourself.

If there is something you want to change and you feel that this is something you need and that you feel will be good for you, then do the work for it to change. If this is something you don't want, but others want of you, then don't do it. And remember that if there is something in your life that you cannot change, then stop thinking about it. There is nothing you can do about it. And you are amazing just the way you are.

Turn to the people that love you. They love you for a reason, and it's not because you suck! It's because you are amazing and you have something to offer to the world and us that noone else can.

You are you, and YOU are AMAZING, don't be me or anyone else.

- VforVegard

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