Yesterday I was walking home from the train station after school and I was listening to a song by OneRepublic, it's called "Good Life".
OneRepublic - Good life
Despite that there are downs in life and that we encounter difficulties. Life in general is good. After feeeling down, you will be uplifted, and after the rain the sun wil shine again and after the night the morning will come.
What makes life so great? In my life it is the people around me. My family and friends. Because in good times they are there to make me laugh and in bad times they are there to comfort me. So even in bad times, people make life good.
I also enjoy life because of what it gives to me personally. It gives me a opportunity to be myself, to be more and to develop, and if we take these opportunities and makes something with the time we have been given here, you will enjoy this life.
I'm wondering, what would life be if there were no downs? Would I be happy? Could I know the difference between happiness and sadness? Would I know how to laugh, to feel empathy for other, or to make other happy when they were down? Would relationships really mean anything if there weren't ups and downs? Would people matter if you really didn't make an impact at all? I need to feel sad to feel happy. That is my conclusion and sadness is actually one of the things that makes this life worth living, because then I know what happiness feels like.
And I was thinking who has responsibility for it to be a good life? My friends? Are they supposed to make life livable for me, my family? Are everyone in this world just existing to make me happy? No. I have to make my life good. I have to act and bring happiness into my life. I have to risk being sad, in order to become happy. And if you do not risk creating that happiness for yourself, then you will be sad.
Reach out to someone today, someone you have wanted to talk to or to do something for or to get to know better. A friend you haven't talked to in a while, a girl or boy you like, but have been to scared to talk to or a person you know needs some encouragement. Risk to be happy.
Life does go up and down, but mostly it is a good life, risk your happiness.
- VforVegard
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