Thursday, September 30, 2010

If you believe me, you are gonna have to disbelieve yourself

Have you ever met a guy or a girl with a low self-esteem, and no matter what you tell them nothing can make then change their mind about themselves. This has frustrated me from time to time. I care for these people and it hurts me to see them hurt themselves and I want to help. This song from Relient K really makes my point clear.

Relient K - If you believe me

The chorus in this song goes "if you believe me, you are gonna have to disbelieve yourself". And thats what I feel when I meet these people. Don't believe what you are telling yourself or what you mind is telling you. Disbelive that. And believe me when I say that you are AMAZING!

I think this could be a large part of helping yourself. Don't beat yourself up over failures, don't think that you have to be different, you don't have to be someone else, you don't have to do what everyone else is telling you. You are you and you are great. And there is noone like you. Disbelive all that you think that others need you to be and be comfortable with yourself.

If there is something you want to change and you feel that this is something you need and that you feel will be good for you, then do the work for it to change. If this is something you don't want, but others want of you, then don't do it. And remember that if there is something in your life that you cannot change, then stop thinking about it. There is nothing you can do about it. And you are amazing just the way you are.

Turn to the people that love you. They love you for a reason, and it's not because you suck! It's because you are amazing and you have something to offer to the world and us that noone else can.

You are you, and YOU are AMAZING, don't be me or anyone else.

- VforVegard

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Do break-ups break even or is one hurting more?

When you break up with someone there are always two different stories, two different paths, two different hurts and two different ways of recovery. One thing is that it always hurts more for one person than for the other. One is breaking up and when is getting broken up with. I have myself this year experienced both of these. In the beginning of july I broke up with a girlfriend and in september now my girlfriend broke up with me. And there is a difference between the two.

One of my favorite songs describes this very good.

The Script - Breakeven

It it is normally the case that for the one breaking up the hurt starts before the break-up, when he/she realizes that this relationship is not going to work and then it ends up in a positive feeling at the break-up, where the pain of breaking up and hurting someone turns into relieve for the person, because the hard part is over and the right decicion might have been made. I'm not saying that it's not difficult after the break-up, because you still feel bad for the person you broke up with, but you feel that you have made the right choice so it's mostly a positive feeling. These are the steps that I have been able to identify for the person breaking up.

1. feels insecure about the relationship
2. feels that it is not right anymore
3. feels that he/she should break up, feels bad about it
4. gathers the courage to break up
5. breaks up
6. moves on and is relieved, but feels sad for the other person

The one that has gotten broken up with might have caught on to the clues that have come over the time before the break-up, but this person usually still feels that the relationship is good and that he/she still loves or is in love with the other person. Often the break-up don't come as a shock, but still you hoped and believed that the time would never come. In my case this last time it did come as a shock though. But the break-up always feels like a shock no matter what and realizing that it is over and trying to forget the other person is hard. It hurts.

1. the shock with depression and hurt
2. realizing that it is over
3. trying to open his/her heart again
4. trying to let the person out of his/her heart
5. finding out that there are other people that can make me as happy as this one did
6. trusting him/herself to let other people in again after the hurt

So after a break-up there are always one that is hurting and one that feels relieved. This can turn into complications. Often the one that has the positive feeling, feels sad that it is over, but still wants to be friends with the person. While the other person that is hurting still feels that the only person that can make him/her happy is the person that just broke up with him/her and everytime he/her looks at that other person he/she feels the pain of not being able to be with that person anymore. How can you be friends with someone you want something more with?

So when a couple breaks up the pain meets in the middle. The person breaking up hurts till the break-up and the other person hurts after the break-up.

So the next time you break up with someone or are broken up with, think about what the other person is feeling. It might not help you feel better, but it will help you understand why the other person is acting as he/she is.

Some other good break-up songs that describe the process of breaking up are some of Relient Ks songs. These songs range from trying to break up, the hurt of falling, accepting it, getting over it and finally moving on. Enjoy!

"Let it all out" -,

"if you want it" -,

"When I go down" -,

"Hope for every fallen man" -,

"Over it" -,

"There was another time in my life" -,

- VforVegard

Monday, September 27, 2010

Am I a DINOSAUR or can I still get married?

Yesterday I was at an activity in my church and in my church it is common to get married at an early age, and if you are not married by 25 people think that you are dead meat. I don't know if you have heard Ke$sa with dinosaur, but that's what she ment that I was. I'm 26. But I kinda feel that this is an important issue to adress. When do you think that a person should get married? What is an appropriate age to get married?

Ke$sa - Dinosaur

I found this statistics on the internet "AGE AT MARRIAGE. Latter-day Saints also tend to marry early. Forty-five percent of LDS women and 23 percent of LDS men have married by age nineteen. By age twenty-one 74 percent of LDS women and 49 percent of LDS men have married. This is considerably higher than for any other religious group." (

Is this good or bad? I don't really know. 18 percent has been divorced according to the same survey. Which is not a high number. So I guess most are happily married.

But is 19, 21 or 37 the right age for getting married? I think it doesn't depend on age at all. It depends on the person you are and the person you are looking for. I have in my life identified some steps that I have felt that I needed to go through in order to get to the point where I actually feel ready to get married.

1. Find myself
2. Know what I want in another person
3. Know what I want with my life
4. Maturity
5. Timing

To be able to have a stable relationship you need to know yourself and be comfertable with who you are. You need to know what goals you have in life. What kind of situations you want to find yourself in, in a few years from now.

In order to find the right person you need to know who is compatible with you, what are you looking for in a person? Who has a personality that matches and complements your own. Don't think of it as a business proposal with skills you need to match. But your personality.

What are my goals in life, and will this person help me closer or farther away from these goals.If my goal is to have a successful career, then you need a wife that supports you in that and that feels that this is important. If you want kids, then you need a wife that wants kids. It's actually rather simple.

You need to be mature. Am I ready for this step? Am I responsible? Am I self-sufficient? Can I make it on my own? Am I ready to take care of kids? Can i support a family? There are many more questions that needs to be anwered also.

The last part is the magic. Once you have figured all of the above out. You just have to find the right girl, in the right place, at the right time. Sounds easy doesn't it? And you need to love her in this time and place and she needs to love you.

This are all of the questions that goes through my head when I think of this question. But is all of this really required? Do we have to worry so much? Love has an amazing power. We change for people we love, we adapt for people we love and we help the people we love. So I say. Don't be so worried. If you love them, then things will work out. But these other concerns does make it easier.

Either you feel ready at 19 or at 37? Why worry? The most important thing is to find someone that loves you for you and a person that you love for who this person is either it's at a young age or be you older. Don't settle for less.

So maybe this song by Ke$sa would be more approprite for this blogpost.

Ke$sa - Your love is my drug

- VforVegard

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair". This sentence is taken from a song that I posted on my Blog on tuedsday. Relient K - "Be my escape". I was for some random reason singing this song in my car on my way home today, and started pondering this sentence.

Relient K - Be my escape



Grace is defined in a dictionary as the free and unmerited assistance or favour or energy or saving presence of God in his dealings with humanity. Grace is a gift of God and is not considered to be deserved by the individual. It is also defined as the exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred. (

So grace is a free gift, often of mercy or forgiveness, which is not deserved by the person recieving it. And I was pondering, does it make life not fair?

Grace is actually not fair is it? The fair thing would be to be punished for what you have done wrong. If you drive to fast, then justice would claim that you should get a speeding ticket. So what is grace. It is an act of love, an act that defies justice, that renders it wrong.

If you have done something wrong to a person and that person forgives you, then what you have done has been claimed not to be wrong of the person you offended and the sting and hurt of the action has been eliminated.

Do you deserve this? Probably not. But is it your decicion? No it's not. But what will you be happy for this gift? Absolutely. Does this feel fair for the person that offended someone? Probably not. But the offended person gets closure and feels relieved. So who will benefit the most from this. Probably the offended person. But even the offender can get relief, but only if he regrets and accept the gift from the offended with open arms.

Grace is a possibility to do something more than what is fair, something that is more than what someone deserves, its to give someone an exeptional divine gift. So i will give you the challenge at the end of this blogpost. Give that gift to someone in the next week. The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair, it makes it so much better than just fair.

- VforVegard

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Misery loves its company or Believe?

Have you ever thought about the fact that you can choose the way you look at a situation yourself. You actually have a choice. You can either paint it all black or you can see the light in all of the blackness.

I had this thought the other day listening to two different songs from the same band, The red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

First song is Red jumpsuit apparatus - "Misery loves its company"

And the other one is called "Believe" - Red jumpsuit apparatus

The first song has text in it like "we are destined to fail", "save this hate i can't release", "when I dream I see dawn turn into dusk" and maybe the most interesting text is the title "Misery loves its company". Have you noticed that when you are filled with this misery that everything else turns miserable?

I've noticed that when I'm down nothing is fun anymore, last week I didn't even watch Manchester United vs. Liverpool, one of the greates games in football, and for people that know we really well knows that thats not something I would usually do. But the mood that you have decided to have, impacts what you want to do, what you do. So basically your ambitions and desires. I've also noticed that going to school is so much harder, that doing what I'm supposed to in my callings in church is hard to do. You just loose yourself.

But what if you see the light instead? If you believe that there is more good than bad like it says in the song? Hope, faith, patience and love are strong words and feelings. They encourage good. Things will still get rough, sad, hard and it will hurt. But do you think you would get better faster? Misery loves its company and it will just pile up a big black wall. But if you believe in a brighter future the light will eventually clear out the blackness and shine as bright as the sun. And your life will be up and running again.

I know it sounds like a clishee, and it is. But it works. The hard part of every good advice is to apply it in your life. It always sounds so simple, but it is truly hard to make it a part of your life. Be positive and believe that you will overcome. Choose your own attitude, and remember that misery loves its company.

- VforVegard

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Teenage Dream

Today I want to present my favorite song at the moment. It's an acoustic version of Kate Perrys song "Teenage Dream" by Boyce Avenue.

Boyce Avenue - Teenage dream (Made famous by Kate Perry)

I LOVE acoustic music. Have you often noticed that in popular music you often don't listen to the words, but more to the beat. There are so many good songs with wonderful lyrics out there that we never notice because we never listen to them properly. I would normally not listen to Kate Perry songs, but this acoustic version of her song really made me realize that there actually can be a beautiful message in most music.

In acoustic music there is also more focus on the message, the feeling of the song and the vocals, but the sweet gitar or piano sounds blend in to the lyrics so beatifully. Just listen to the difference between the original and Kate Perrys version ->

One thing I love about this version by Boyce Avenue is also that they have changed the lyrics so that is not unapropriate. One of the changes they have made is for example in stead of: "Let's go all the way tonight, No regrets, just love", he sings "let's just talk all through the night, there's no need to rush". I hate how a great song about love and romance always has to be ruined by talk of sex. I think love is a feeling and that feeling doesn't have anything to with sex. Sex is one of the ways of expressing that love later on i a relationship. But the feeling of haveing found a new chrush or a love is just wonderful in itself. I love the sentences below from the song. These describe me very much when I've fallen in love.

"You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream"

"I might get your heart racing"

"I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete"

Another example of a song that turned great acoustic is Relient Ks "be my escape".

Relient K - Be my escape



Notice how it turns more personal and moody. Love Acoustic music!

- VforVegard

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hope for every fallen man

In this blog I will discuss and post the music I love. Music is more than just catchy tunes, it's lyrics with meaning, words from the heart and often personal experiences. I will not only discuss the music, but the lyrics and the topic of the songs. I hope you will enjoy it.

Todays song is inspired from an experience in my own life. It's by Relient K and is called "Hope for every fallen man". You can find it on spotify eller på Youtube.

Relient K - Hope for every fallen man

Just a few days ago I was dumped by my girlfriend. This is an experience most of our young hearts have experienced. It can be a time of a large range of emotions. Often these emotions are powered by the hurt.

Hate is one of them, how could she do this, why would she want to hurt me when she said she loved me? Another feeling is the feeling of loss, which often is strong. You got dumped, you still love her and there is nothing else you would love more than for her to change her mind. But will it happen? Unsecurity is another feeling, did this happen because of me? I'm I not good enough? Did I do something wrong? How will I get trough this?

What about her? Do you think it was easy for her to dump you? She might actually have loved you, she might actually have been sincere about her efforts in trying out this relationship, she might actually have done her best in trying to adapt to you. But it just didn't feel right. Are you justified to hate her for that?

What is the correct way of feeling after a break-up? Most of these empotions is often something you have to go though, it's a part of the healing process. And I have often felt a large range of all of these emotion. But this time it was different. I didn't feel anything else than loss. I didn't blame her, I didn't blame myself. I just couldn't stand the though of loosing her. That she wouldn't be the one for me, that she wouldn't be in my life. I genuinly felt sad because of the loss.

This song talks about this range of emotions that you could feel in this healing process. But the message is that there is hope for every fallen man. Remeber. There are millions of other girls/guys around your age that might be as good or better than the one that just dumped you, and you better believe it even though it feels hard right now.

- VforVegard